If you’re looking for a travel experience that goes beyond beautiful views, the Klamath River in Yurok Country should be on your radar—right now, the Klamath is experiencing the largest dam removal effort in U.S. history.

For over 100 years, four massive dams blocked salmon from reaching their spawning grounds, while the river's health steadily declined. But now, with the dams coming down by the end of 2024, the Klamath is being restored to its former glory. The salmon are already starting to return, and the river is reclaiming its role as a lifeline for both wildlife and local communities.

As Yurok Vice Chairman Frankie Myers put it, “We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the generations of Indigenous people, who sacrificed so much to make dam removal a reality. In addition to restoring the interconnected river ecosystem, we are removing the dams from our culture and our way of life.”

Want to learn more about the project or need help planning your trip? Stop by the Yurok Country Visitor Center for details or plan your trip here.